About the company

Founding Story

While businesses today have access to an array of tools, there was a significant gap in holistic solutions that could streamline processes across departments, foster collaboration, and automate tasks leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and system integrations and respond to real time events. The company founders worked for Fortune 500 companies for over two decades and witnessed firsthand the challenges organizations faced in managing complex workflows and automation of data driven decisions.


Company Values

Customer First

Product must deliver value that the customer is buying for. Adapt to the customer’s need. Customer’s success is out goal.

Fast Data and Big Data

Globally the data volume is doubling every 8 monts. Enterprises are producing hundreds of terabytes’s of data each data that they like analyze in real time.

Simplicity and Intelligent Defaults

Keep the product intuitive and simple to use, but keep the details so that when it is needed, user can dig them out. This include easy deployment and patching. Provide awesome out of box experience.

API Enabled

Each feature is enabled with webservice API so that customer and partner community can extends the platform features and create automation.


Customer’s data must be stored and transmitted in securely supported by role based access control, encryption, masking and audits.

Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

Development features, test, ship it to customer and repeat. Self learning ability is a feature. Take into account every possible implicit and explicit user actions and build upon self-learning abilities.